
Biases in Machine Learning

Summary A Talk on biases in Machine learning and how it is impossible to fulfill all fairness principles.

Biases in Machine Learning

Summary A Talk on biases in Machine learning and how it is impossible to fulfill all fairness principles.

Slides: Machine Bias

Machine Bias and Probublica by Kenneth Enevoldsen | 2021-05-15 A Brief introduction Propublica and COMPAS Press S key to view PB, article (“Bias in errors”) -> response from northpoint (“statistical parity”) -> research (“both are not possible”) Three fairness conditions Well-calibrated, statistical parity

Slides: Machine Bias

Encoding SNP’s using CNNs by Kenneth Enevoldsen | 2021-05-18 Agenda What we did Convolutional Neural Networks Alternative approaches Denoising Autoencoder Input data SNP Encoding: 0 1 2 NA 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Example data

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