Fine-Tuning a Danish BERT

Fine-tuning a Danish BERT
This tutorial will take you through how to fine-tune a BERT, both for sentence and token classification.
Start by installing the requirements by running the following chunk:
!pip install -r requirements.txt
Importing packages
# native packages
import os
# widely use packages
import pandas as pd
# other packages
from simpletransformers.ner import NERModel
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel
from danlp.datasets import DDT
import pyconll
Token Classification
Let’s start by doing a token classification. Token classification is the act of classifying tokens as is for example used to classify whether a token is an entity and what type of entity it is, e.g. person, organization or location. This is typically called named-entity recognition. Other token classification tasks include part-of-speech tagging as well as others. For this example we will train a BERT for named-entity recognition using the tagged data by DaNLP derived from the Danish dependency Treebank. We will start by loading in the data and examining it.
# Loading the Danish Dependency Tree data
ddt = DDT()
conllu_format = ddt.load_as_conllu(predefined_splits = True)
data = []
for n in range(len(conllu_format)):
data.append([(i, token.form, token.misc.get("name").pop()) for i, sent in enumerate(conllu_format[n]) for token in sent]) #Getting the sentence #, Word and Tag.
# this dataset contain a training dataset
train = pd.DataFrame(data[0], columns = ['sentence_id', 'words', 'labels']) # note that the names of the columns are important for the model
# a development test dataset
test = pd.DataFrame(data[1], columns = ['sentence_id', 'words', 'labels'])
# and lastly a validation dataset
validation = pd.DataFrame(data[2], columns = ['sentence_id', 'words', 'labels'])
# examing the first ten rows we see some of the structure of the data
Okay so now we are ready to train the model. Beware that this process might take some time to it might be ideal to only use some of the data.
# get list of unique labels
unique_labels = list(train['labels'].unique())
# we will need to rename the config file from bert_config.json to config.json
# os.rename('danish_bert_uncased_v2/bert_config.json', 'danish_bert_uncased_v2/config.json')
# preparing the model
model = NERModel('bert', model_name = 'Maltehb/danish-bert-botxo', labels=unique_labels, use_cuda=False, args={'overwrite_output_dir': True, 'reprocess_input_data': True})
# Training the model
Sentence Classification
Sentence classification is the act of classifying a sentence. This could be classyfying the topic of a sentence or classifying whether a sentence is postive or negative. In this case we will try to predict the score of a trustpilot review based on the text of the review. The dataset used for this is avaliable in the Github repository.
tp = pd.read_csv("trustpilot.csv")
tp.columns = ['text', 'labels'] # rename variables - not that the renames variable names are important
tp['text'] = tp['text'].astype('str')
tp['labels'] = tp['labels'] - 1 # index to zero
# number og unique labels
n_labels = len(tp['labels'].unique())
# initialize the model
sent_model = ClassificationModel('bert', 'Maltehb/danish-bert-botxo', num_labels=n_labels, use_cuda=False, args={'reprocess_input_data': True, 'overwrite_output_dir': True})
# train the model
And that is it! You have now fine-tuned two Danish BERT models for token and sentence classification!🥳
To use the model simply use model.predict()
This tutorial was made by L. Hansen, M. Højmark-Bertelsen and K. Enevoldsen. Feel free to ask any question in the GitHub issues.